Friday, October 17, 2008

Special Education -Inclusive eduaction

The topic that i am choosing to talk about is Inclusive Education along with students that have an IEP. Both in which we read about in chapter 3. Inclusive education is defined as a program in which special needs students are put in depending on their learning disabilities. There are so many conflicts out there that involve inclusive education. Inclusive education can be segragated classrooms and or seperate classrooms. Depending on the childs disabilitiy and how well they can adapt in a classroom. It is said that if you take a child out fo the classroom where all their peers are learning they begining to think that they are different and become upset. Depending on a childs learning disabilty they should not be taken out of the classroom. However they could be provided with a resourse teacher, that can help them and give them the extra attention they need. Or they can also be provided with an IEP, which is an indivulaized education program to help students. It outlines where a child struggles and special things that should be put in place to help the child learn better. I defintely believe that children with learning disabilities should not be pulled out of a class away from there fellow peers. They make think of it has punishment or that they have done something wrong. In most cases a resource teacher sits in on the class and helps out the teacher and student when needed. That may as well be the best thing. I have experienced IEP first hand because when i was in elementary up to high school i had one. IT was nothing serious but when i was in elementary school i had alot of trouble reading etc. So they deveolped an IEP for me. At times i hated having to go into the resource room with only a few other students but it helpped me out. I though of it as being embarressing and i never wanted anyone to know. But now that i look back it was not really a big deal and infact it was a great help. However i dont believe that a child should be pulled out of there classes and if they are the teacher should explain it to them because alot of students do not understand what was going on.

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