Friday, October 3, 2008

Disabilities in the Classroom*

The educational topic i chose to write about this week is children with disabilities in the classroom. The reason why i chose this topic is because i find it interesting and a very controversial topic in schools all over the United States. My article talks about getting an bill called the IDEA act passed in order to help out students with disabilities. IDEA stands for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and this act was developed to "require schools to give students with disabilities individualized education programs designed to meet there education needs." (Christina A. Samuels) Which many schools have because they receive federal funding for it, however there are schools that do not have enough funding for it. There are certain criterias that have to met in order to recieve this funding. Therefore there are many children that are not covered which makes it very hard for parents and care takers of these children. Because they end up having to pay money to send them to special schools etc.

I truely believe this is a very important topic because it touches me personally. My little cousin is in special classes for students with disabilities. Although he is not physically disabled he is just a very slow learner. And sadly what is called a drug baby, meaning when my aunt was pregnant with him she did drugs and basically thats why he is slow. Which is not his fault and he tries very hard but hes just not all there. Without this program in place he would be sitting in a regualr classroom and not be able to follow the criteria that the teacher is covering. So i feel by having some kind of aid and help hell be fine and hopefully develop to be okay. I wish that all children were as lucky as him to receive such good treatment.

Title- Changes to Disabilities Act Seen as Offering Students Protection

By Christina A Samuels


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