Saturday, November 22, 2008

social justice *Poverty*

The social justice isssue that interst me and i think is really imporant is the poverty issue. Poverty is a big part of the stuggles in the United States today. Not only among the homeless but children that are effected by it. Poverty has a great effects is school, because children come to school with certain needs that schools and teachers are not prepared to meet. Because of the children who are raised in poverty is makes them become one of the children who are refered to as "at risk." Which means that they are more at risk of failing or not able to complete school. With parents who are obviously in poverty it becomes a vicious cycle.

With the issue of poverty issue becomes the learning issue. Because parents are raising children it poverty it means that they develp certain learning disabilities that children who are not living in poverty. It is said that children are commonly unwilling or unable to interact with peers or adults in school. aLong with the child being unprepared in class with assignments because there parents might be constantly working and not have time to have to sit down with their children. Which has a major impact on the child because they may get the impression that school is not imporatant.

Not only does this effect the children in the poverty situation but it effects the students in the class. Other students notice the types of clothes their classmates if their classmates go to class etc. So if you have a child in poverty who is always poorly dressed and comes to school here and there, other children are going to ask questions. Pretty soon this child that comes from practically nothing is going to get made fun of or talked about by the other students. Even though it's not this students fault because his or her family has a low income if an income at all, he or she is still going to made fun of.

I come from a city of diversity and i guess you could say a city that has alot of poverty. I live in a small city called Everett outside of Boston, where i have defintely seen alot of poverty and its sad to watch or even see. There are students who go to school without jackets in the winter. Not because their family chooses not to get them a jacket but because they cant afford to get a jacket for their children and feed them.

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