Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Introducing myself =]

Hi everyone!!
My name is Lauren Concannon I am 19 years-old I am an early childhood education major with a minor in English. I love children i have 5 brothers and sisters! My youngest sister being 9! I was constantly taking care of my brothers in sisters and my mother use to always call the 2nd mother in the household. My house is always crazzy with so many people in it but that why i love it! Which is part of the reason i want to be a teach i can handle the kids and love the crazyness of it all.My father is a principal in my city! So i would said i get my inspiration from him! My life right now is crazy!! i have so much going onn, Everyday its schoool and work! I also play softball for salem state so its crazy balancing everything but i think i am doing pretty well. I love to have fun! I have tons of friends and love hanging around them and having a great time!! without my friends and my family i wouldnt know what i would do!! Well thats meee!!!


ed100worster said...

great work here!!!awesome blog, see mail for some feedback...but woiw, you have a lot going on. way to go balancing it all. Great you are such a people person, education is for sure a people person career :)

jmay said...

hey girl
great blog.. I have a big family but I am an only child... My mother is one out of seven and they all have 2-3 kids. There's something like 24 cousins or something like that... We grew up close knit so I know what it's like to have a crazy house hold.. I love on my own not and it's real quite... Qutie is ok.. but.. well you know!!!!